Floral Cabin – Part 4 Finished and Delivered!

I just realized that I never showed you all the finished and delivered Floral Cabin! Shame on me!

Once I got the quilting done on this beauty, I met up with my cousin and her kids camping and she took it home to do the binding. The husbands held up the top so my cousin and I could take the pictures. I tell ya, there is nothing like natural light to show off the quilting.

This quilt is a MONSTER! The guys had a hard time holding it straight.

Floral Cabin

I just love how the quilting on the blocks turned out.

whole quilt (7)

The borders were so much fun to quilt. And I soooooo love feathers (can ya tell?)

whole quilt (5)

The back is just as much fun as the front. You can really see the two inner borders easier here. I wish I had been able to find a sold color for the back, then my Aunt could have had both a log cabin and a whole cloth quilt.

whole quilt (1)

Late last summer we had a family reunion and I got to see the quilt delivered to my Aunt. She was thrilled!

delivery (1)

Now in case you lost track, this quilt was made by 4 people and traveled to 4 different states. It started in Alabama where my Aunt and two cousins pieced it. Then it traveled to Wisconsin where I quilted it. After that the quilt made it’s way to Minnesota to get bound. Next, on to Tennessee to be delivered. And, finally back to it’s home in Alabama. That poor quilt must be tired. Good thing it gets to live on a bed!!!!

About NotYourNormalSteam

I love to make things, food, paper, fabric, the medium doesn’t really matter. I am also an obsessive planner. The day after Christmas I am already working out plans for the next year.
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3 Responses to Floral Cabin – Part 4 Finished and Delivered!

  1. treadlemusic says:

    Totally LOVE it!!!! From one “feather” gal to another!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Beautifully done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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